Snapper (Pagrus Auratus) is undeniably one of the most prized game fishes in Australia. Fishing for a really big snapper can be very challenging, though, and many consider it a feat to catch something as heavy as 10kg. In Western Australia, pink snapper that have a distinctive pink and silver to copper colour can weigh between 2kg and 8kg. In general, snapper are found in almost every reef and in any accommodating channel or harbour. Recreational fishers usually schedule their trips during snapper breeding and schooling season as snappers are at the height of their appetite, and consequently, are easier to catch. According to Recfishwest.com, pink snapper typically spawn for about 3-5 months starting around October, a behaviour that sends armadas of fishing boats scurrying off to hot spots such as Shark Bay and Cockburn Sound. (Keeping in mind area closures during this period.)