Jordan Chenoweth of NSW sure has one good fish tale to tell. The 15-year-old angler set out on 13 April to fish off of Tasman Peninsula as part of a fishing party of five men and two girls. Right before noon, somewhere in Munroe Bight, she hooked a 350-pound Bluefin. Bruised, blistered, and sea sick, she fought with the marine giant until more experienced angler Kelly “Hooch” Hunt of Forth took over the rod four hours later. Kelly Hunt manned the rod until midnight, at which time she was replaced by Swansea fisherman Ashley Hallam. Kelly handled the rod again at 6:00 a.m. and eventually managed to get the fish to the surface, where they saw another large fish—most likely an oil fish or swordfish, according to the men—tangled up with the Bluefin, thereby causing the line to break. The crew ended up losing the fish after nearly a day on the line.
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